
“Imagine finding a designer who not only creates a website for you but also helps you find yourself, uncover your voice, step into your brilliance, and ultimately, to build the business you are meant for! That's Janet Hutchens!

In 2008 Janet created my first branding and website for my educational coaching business. I like her design style as well as her personable work style. At the time I was new to being an entrepreneur and was nervous, sacred, and excited. It was like trying on a new coat that I had been eyeing for years but didn't feel ready to wear. Janet supported me in drumming up the courage to don the new coat and to boldly step out into the world!

More recently, 'life' asked me to do a makeover and I again turned to Janet for support. In 2018 we embarked on my makeover and then I stalled on her several times. She graciously accommodated me and allowed me my time frame. Each time I reached out she was there, steady and ready to help in whatever way I needed. Finally in September 2020 I felt ready to show her the next new coat!

Janet walked me through a process of unfolding and unveiling as we created the new content and structure for my new life coaching and healing business. The creation of this new website was as much about my own metamorphosis as it was about building a website.

During the six months that we worked together to build the new website I felt unconditionally supported by Janet. What a blessing to have her support and her expertise in design, content deliver, marketing, and social media as I move forward in my new work."


Susan Cowan Morse
Pittsburg, NH



“Janet’s experience, heart and brilliance guides her clients every step of the way. Her keen ability to listen and discern the essence of a project and how to actualize the big picture is a rare gift. 

Her guidance in building my sound healing business was spot on at every twist and turn. The website she built is beautiful, meaningful and a true reflection of how I choose to share my brilliance. Her ability to keep me accountable and moving forward is a treasure both personally and professionally. I highly recommend Janet Hutchens.”


Sound Healing Source
Fort Lauderdale, FL



"Janet is an amazing creative soul with impeccable integrity. She patiently listens with and from her heart. Many times she saw where I was going and gently let me catch up, often suggesting brilliant ideas that at first were beyond my understanding. Ultimately, I was able to stretch and open to unimagined possibilities.

One of her greatest qualities is that she is open and receptive to the love and wisdom that flows through her. Janet is responsive to the love and wisdom that flows through you too. It was a lovely collaboration with her.

It was a great challenge for me to give birth to my new work and business. Janet's skill and grace were essential for my evolution. Thank you Janet."


Taproot Healing Institute



"It was a stroke of good fortune that I was introduced to Janet Hutchens. She immediately “got” the vision that I was seeing for Divina Rising, and was able to execute that into a logo and branding that truly expressed it.
The website design took that to another level, and I’ve been really happy to recommend Janet to my female colleagues who are also her ideal clients.
Yes, it really does make a difference working with another conscious woman entrepreneur who understand the special passion and commitment we have for our work!"



Susan Joyce Proctor
Divina Rising

